“Padua Lymphatic Forum” Summer School is a unique event focused on the commonly neglected Lymphatic System, primarily open to Master Students in Biomedical disciplines, Medical Residents and first year PhD Students. 
A diverse range of local and international experts will discuss the state-of-the-art and latest advances in the field, covering aspects of vascular and mechano-biology; lymphatic pathophysiology in cardiovascular-metabolic, renal, lung and CNS disease; inflammation; clinical diagnosis and management of lymphatic disorders; genetics; point-of-care, advanced and interventional imaging; optimal physical, medical, device and surgical, as well as novel and upcoming, therapeutics; research opportunities and models of disease. 
The design of the Course, including bench-to-bedside practical workshops and networking events for the participants, will facilitate interdisciplinary exchange across all these topics and out-of-the-box thinking. 
The School program, list of faculty and additional details are attached.
Passionate, enthusiastic and open-minded students are requested to submit an up to one-page (A4, font 12) application letter to by Friday 19th July, presenting relevant academic backgroundprevious international or other relevant experience(s), motivation for attendance and expectations from the course
A dedicated panel will review the applications and inform by July 27th the selected participants, for whom participation will be at no cost.

For participants from Institutions other than the University of Padua, we have reserved a few rooms at no cost for the entire week, offered on a competitive basis.