PhD Course in Clinical and Experimental Sciences
Corso di Dottorato in Scienze cliniche e sperimentali
PhD Course in Clinical and Experimental Sciences
The 3-yr Doctoral School in Clinical and Experimental Sciences of the University of Padova offers a very competitive Ph.D. Program that provides all the necessary skills needed to perform cutting edge researches in the spectrum of disciplines pertaining its four Curricula. The Ph.D. Program fosters a multidisciplinary approach with particular emphasis on Biomedical Sciences, combining with Genetic Epidemiology, Anatomic Pathology, Molecular Biology, Transplantation Medicine, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics and Therapy.
The main theme of the Phd course is to identify new biomarkers of acute and chronic diseases through translational approaches to physiopathology, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in order to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms and prognostic models with relevant impacts for the public health
The PhD program includes:
- An initial training course concerning common basic methodologies for all Curricula, in particular focusing on Genetics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology fields.
- A second stage that trains top-level individuals to understand clinical processes and experience laboratory techniques. Participation to training Courses, Conferences and Meetings in the specific sectors of their specialization is encouraged.
- A final stage that provides the methodology to carry out high level research. The doctoral students will take part of a research project issued by the different Departments, but they will be encouraged to manage, coordinate and conclude their own basic and/or translational research project. Students may also have the opportunity to do a research stay abroad for a variable period of 6-18 months. The Ph.D. program ends drawing up a Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of an experienced researcher and successfully defending it.
The Course in Clinical and Experimental Sciences is organized in five curricula:
Endocrine-metabolic sciences and gender medicine
Hematological and Geriatric Sciences
Kidney, physical exercise and nutrition sciences
Liver and transplant sciences, rare diseases and at high biotechnology complexity
Rheumatological and Laboratory Sciences
link al sito di Ateneo per bandi di dottorato
Consiglio direttivo/Advisory board
- Prof.ssa Roberta Ramonda, Coordinatrice;
- Prof. Giuseppe Sergi, Vice Coordinatore e referente Curr. Ematologia geriatria;
- Prof. Alberto Ferlin, rappresentante Dipartimento di Medicina DIMED
Referenti per i curriculum del Corso - 40° ciclo:
- Prof. Andrea Doria, referente Curr. Scienze reumatologiche e laboratoristiche
- Prof.ssa Sara Montagnese, referente Curr. Scienze epatologiche e trapiantologiche, malattie rare e ad alta complessità biotecnologica
- Prof. Marco Rossato, referente Curr. Scienze endocrino-metaboliche e medicina di genere
- Prof. Federico Nalesso, referente Curr. Scienze nefrologiche, dell'esercizio fisico e della nutrizione
- Prof.ssa Valerie Tikhonoff, referente Curr. Tecnologie emergenti nella formazione e nella ricerca infermieristica e delle professioni sanitarie
Referente Amministrativo
Domenico Mallardo - Laszlo Rinaldi
tel 0498214375 - 0498216112
PhD Course in Clinical and Experimental Sciences List of candidates - Title Evaluation XXXX cycle
Data e luogo svolgimento colloquio - Date and place of interview
Si comunica che la prova orale di ammissione al Corso di Dottorato in Scienze Cliniche e Sperimentali, BANDO AUTUNNALE 40° ciclo, si svolgerà, come da bando, il giorno mercoledì 04 Dicembre 2024, alle ore 9:30, presso l'aula 58 del Palasanità, Policlinico universitario - Dipartimento di Medicina, Via Giustiniani 2
We inform you that the oral admission test for the Doctorate Course in Clinical and Experimental Sciences, 40th cycle, will take place, as indicated in the announcement, on Wednesday December th 5Th 2024, at 9:00 am, in room 58 of the Palasanità , University Hospital - Department of Medicine, Via Giustiniani 2